
There are two modes of usage the library:

  1. As a mixins that provide you a set of features.
  2. Application that autodiscover your objects permissions to apply them to your _Django_ application.

As third party application

First of all you should add django_object_authority to you INSTALLED_APPS settings.


Is needed override AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting to add ObjectAuthorityBackend.


For each model you want to custom the permission level is needed define a file and register the permission class.

class MyModelAuthority(BaseUserObjectAuthorization):

    def has_add_permission(self, user, obj):
        return obj.owner == user

If you don’t override all BaseUserObjectAuthorization defined methods. The default behaviour is defined as a setting variable [Settings section].

BaseObjectAuthorization only implements has_object_permission method which check the object permission as default resource.

As mixins

You can use it only installing the package [Installation section] and include the mixin in your views.

from django.views.generic import ListView
from django_object_authority.mixins import AuthorizationMixin

class MyListView(AuthorizationMixin, ListView):
    authorization_filter_class = MyAuthorityFilter